Are you keen to give field hockey a go? Or maybe your child would like to learn some new skills for the 2025 season?
Fees 2025 Season
All Players are required to pay Hockey Australia Levy fee:
- Hookin2Hockey/grad (U8) $22.81
- Juniors (U18) $56.81
- Seniors $68.79
Kwinana Tiger Hockey Club Fee's
Senior fees are due by May 1st and junior fees by June 1st, unless you’ve arranged a payment plan with our Treasurer. Please note, we have a no pay, no play policy, so be sure to get your fees sorted.
Hookin2Hockey/ All Abilities |
$120 |
J5/6 |
$190 |
J7/8 |
$280 |
J9/10 |
$280 |
Senior Membership Fee |
$380 |
Team Fee (Turf)* |
$200 |
Young Adult Membership Fee (U21)
Jnr in Snr Team Fee (U17)
Second Team (Turf) |
$350 |
Casual (5 games)
$200 |
*team selections TBA
Turf Entrance Fees |
Junior Games (J7-10 only) |
$150 |
Senior Games |
$200 |
Senior Casual (per game) |
$10 |
These fees may be paid weekly or added to your fee payments at the start of the season. |
Kidsport Applications KidSport KidSport Portal (dlgsc.wa.gov.au) - Please email code to treasurer@kwinanahockey.org.au
For more info- please email info@kwinanahockey.org.au
To start the registration process:
- New players need to select NEW MEMBER
- Returning players need to select RETURNING MEMBER; and choose to upgrade their membership

Registered players, officials, and volunteers will be covered by the National Hockey Insurance Program. The program ensures that all registered participants have a minimum level of insurance protection before they take to the pitch. Honan is the national insurance broker and details of the insurance cover, the claims portal and certificates of currency can be found on their hockey-specific website, hockey.honansport.com.au.
The website also contains information on how to upgrade your personal level of coverage should you wish to purchase additional insurance on top of what is already provided by your state association.